Dr. Tanda Canion has pinned decades of life and ministry experience into two powerful books, Hats (A Woman’s Guide To Prioritizing) and The Porch (Establishing A Place To Meet God). Empowerment Conference 2022 attendees were the first to get their autographed copies March 4, 2022 during a special double book signing.
Hats: A Woman’s Guide To Prioritizing
Women wear different hat roles in life and by the grace of God are successful at wearing a lot of them. Most likely, she will not do well if she wears them all at the same time. This writing is a guide to understanding and setting boundaries on the many hats worn by women who multitask and are bi-vocational.
The Porch: Establishing a Place to Meet God
This book is to empower the reader to find a designated place hollowed out as a sanctuary for God to guide and speak, as He did for my mother on the front porch of the family home.